Here is what you need to know
Barbados is only 166 square miles, filled with caves, beautiful beaches, sea life and rum; but,for many investors it is also the gem in the Caribbean for hosting many american accredited medical universities,agricultural investments, offshore banks and trading companies. The culture here is like non-other through-out the world and the international location is unique for easy distrubution between North America and South America, as well as the rest of the Caribbean and Europe. The Barbadian Dollar Currency BBD is around 2 BBD to 1USD an is considered to be one of the highest currencies amongst the Caribbean Territories. In Barbados there is decent taxation on property tax that is to say property tax in Barbados is weighed around 1 percent of the government site value of the property once its just land, and below 1% if the land lot has a house on it. The Caribbean is known as a biological tourist hotspot number 4 so many investors target Caribbean Real Estate. Barbados Real Estate is constantly shifting hands due to different growths and government structure. Many Realtors are found throughout the Caribbean but at BlackBeard Realty we keep it real and not only do we focus on high-end real estate but all different kinds. Feel Free to drop us a message day or night. Currently Barbados has: